

Beitrag zu Online Product Testing Programs wird in A-Journal veröffentlicht



Der Beitrag „Online Reviews Generated through Product Testing: Can More Favorable Reviews Be Enticed with Free Products?“ von Prof. Dr. Ina Garnefeld, Tabea Krah, Prof. Dr. Dwayne D. Gremler (Bowling Green State University) und JProf. Dr. Eva Böhm (TU Dortmund) wird im Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) erscheinen. Das Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ist eines der international führenden Journals im Bereich Marketing und ist im VHB-Ranking als A-Zeitschrift bewertet. In dem Beitrag betrachten die Autor*innen inwiefern sich der Einsatz von Online Produkttesterprogrammen auf das Review Rating und die Review Qualität auswirkt. Darüber hinaus wird untersucht, unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen sich Online Produkttesterprogramme als besonders erfolgsversprechend erweisen.


Abstract des Beitrags


Online reviews have profound impacts on firm success in terms of sales volume and how much customers are willing to pay, yet firms remain highly dependent on customers’ voluntary contributions. A popular way to increase the number of online reviews is to use product testing programs, which offer participants free products in exchange for writing reviews. Firms that employ this practice generally hope to increase review quality and secure higher product rating scores. However, a qualitative study, experimental study, and multilevel analysis of a field study dataset of more than 200,000 online reviews by product testers combine to reveal that product testing programs do not necessarily generate higher quality reviews, nor better product ratings. Only in certain circumstances (e.g., higher priced products) does offering a product testing program generate these benefits for the firm. Therefore, companies should consider carefully if and when they want to offer product testing programs.


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